Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin
Lose Weight By Saying Yes (to yourself)
Do you say yes to cake? Yes to pizza? Yes to chocolate? If the answer is “yes” then maybe you need to start saying “no.” Not to food, but to people.
Do you say yes to cake? Yes to pizza? Yes to chocolate? If the answer is “yes” then maybe you need to start saying “no.” Not to food, but to people.
How many times have you started a new diet? Maybe it’s the same diet over and over or maybe you’re always trying a new one. You might be wondering why it’s so hard to stay on a diet, any diet. In this episode, Dr. Nina explains why diets don’t work and offers suggestions on what does work.
Do you have a problem with food? Overeating is a “symptom” of the problem (even though it feels like it “the” problem). In this episode, Dr. Nina offers solutions for how to stop overeating in three specific = situations.
Does the phrase “pool party” create anxiety or dread? If the idea of BBQs and bathing suits makes you wish you’d stayed on your diet all summer, then consider this: Maybe you’re not a failure at dieting; maybe dieting has failed you.