Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin:
Author. Speaker. Thought Leader.
It’s about WHY-power, not willpower.

It’s So Nice to Meet You!
I'm Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin and I'm one of the nation’s leading psychoanalysts known for the psychology of eating. My signature message of, “It’s not what you’re eating, it’s what’s eating ‘at’ you” has resonated with hundreds of thousands of listeners from around the globe in 44 countries. As founder of The Binge Cure Method, I guide emotional eaters to create lasting food freedom so they can take back control of their lives and feel good in their bodies
I know what it’s like to struggle with food. I used to consider myself “the poster child for eating disorders.” After struggling for 15 years, I went to therapy–but I went for anxiety. I never disclosed my toxic relationship with food to my therapist, yet I left therapy completely healed from all eating disorders.
You’re probably wondering what I learned in my journey and how I can potentially help you, right? Well, keep reading. Speaking of reading, check out my best-selling book, “The Binge Cure.” It will help you identify hidden triggers, stop emotional eating, and heal your relationship with food. The best part? There’s no diet or exercise involved!

From Binge to Balance
Are you using food to avoid difficult emotions? I know the never-ending struggle of numbing out with binges instead of facing what's really troubling. My From Binge to Balance online program has helped individuals gain freedom. Through interactive lessons and exercises, you'll learn my proven 4-step method for identifying the emotions at the root of your binging habits.
Discover healthy ways to soothe your mind and express yourself without relying on food. Join me today and together we'll transform your relationship with food, body and mind. Invest in yourself - this could be your chance to finally take control.

Listen to
The Binge Cure with Dr. Nina
Have you seen me appear as a featured guest on “The Dr. Drew Podcast” radio program, or listened to my show, “The Dr. Nina Show,” on L.A. Talk Radio? My live podcast, “The Binge Cure with Dr. Nina” on VoiceAmerica, has garnered over 50,000 downloads in its first six months on air and has listeners in 44 countries and counting. Start tuning in if you haven’t already. I offer excellent guidance on my show, gathered from my personal life experience and decades of professional experience working in the eating disorder industry.
My Journey to Now
How I stopped dieting and obsessing about every calorie, carb and fat gram and made peace with food for good!
My experience with eating problems began as a young child and continued through my teens into my college years. In fact, as far back as I can remember, my first thoughts in the morning were always about food and whether I’d be disciplined enough to avoid an extra bite that day, and my last thoughts at night were counting calories and fat grams while most people counted sheep.
In my desire to be perfect, I followed the strictest, most unrealistic diets and kept track of literally everything I put into my mouth. Looking back now, I can see how the secrecy of my relationship with food fooled me into thinking I was in control, when nothing could be further from the truth.
When my willpower eventually gave in (in truth, it always did), I’d lose control, binge, and then get rid of everything I’d eaten, only to feel nothing but shame. And then the cycle would start all over again.

I spent years in the same vicious cycle until I reached my breaking point and decided to begin therapy for anxiety. During my weekly visits, I shared everything with my therapist; I told her how I felt about my job and I shared my hopes, dreams and fears. In fact, I shared everything in my life except one thing:
I never told her that I was in a toxic relationship with food.
Yes, you read that right! Not once did I ever disclose my secret (that I'd been holding on to for so long), and by the time I left treatment, I was no longer obsessed with food. All of my food issues were completely gone and my weight was healthy according to both the scale and more importantly, myself. For the first time in my life, I was fit both mentally and physically. I was finally at peace with food.
How was this possible?
Shockingly, there was no magic involved! Therapy helped me become more self-compassionate, and I finally started to listen to myself; I paid attention to how I felt and what bothered me, and I started being gentle with myself when I experienced emotions I didn’t like (after all, we’re only human). I learned to cope with challenging situations instead of distracting myself from them with food, and I learned the art of calming my emotions without reaching for a box of cookies, or pint of ice cream.
I’m living proof that it’s possible to liberate yourself from binge eating. If there’s only one thing you take away from my story, let it be this: there’s always hope.
I can’t wait to help you on your journey to a life without binge eating!
As Featured In
Get Started on Your Binge-Free Journey

The Food For Thought
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Get A Copy Of My Book
Learn how to identify, manage and overcome binge eating and unhealthy habits for good with my latest book,
“The Binge Cure”.