What You NEED To Know About Comfort Food

Today Iโ€™m going to offer an explanation of why you use food for comfort, and also tell you what you need to do to change. Why food? ย I hear this question a lot. People ask all the time, why can’t they donโ€™t use something else for comfort? They wish they were addicted to exercise (not that I see food as …

How To Avoid Diet Failure

Today Iโ€™m going to talk about how fear of failure can keep you stuck on a never-ending cycle of dieting. When you challenge and work through this conflict about failure, you canโ€™t fail to lose. Letโ€™s talk about failure. Imagine two people โ€“ letโ€™s call them Darren and Darcy, who both put in a job application at some company, and …