stop a binge in 30 seconds

How to stop a binge in 30 seconds

To stop a binge in 30 seconds, you have to calm your body and center your mind. When you stop emotions from escalating you can focus on what’s eating ‘at” you instead of on what you’re eating.

How to Stop Feeling Guilty After Eating

Feeling guilty after eating is very common. Maybe you blame food as a trigger, resent your inability to control yourself, and decry your lack of willpower.


7 Reasons Behind Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is not the end of your binge-free journey but rather a part of it. So instead of feeling bad if you sabotage yourself, learn from the experience and keep going.

binge eating relapse

Say Goodbye to Binge Eating Relapse

Relapse is defined as a return to previous behaviors after a period of abstinence or improvement. This can mean bingeing again or starting to focus more on food and using it to cope.

emotional eating vs binge eating

Binge Eating vs Emotional Eating

Let’s ‌look at emotional eating vs binge eating to understand what these two terms actually stand for and why you should care about the distinction.

why do i binge eat

Why Do I Binge Eat?

Let’s look at some common mistaken beliefs when it comes to binge eating at night, as well as the truth about each of these misconceptions.