girl looking in the mirror

5 Ways to Speak up for Yourself and Not Worry About What Other People Think

Making other people happy is problematic Many of us learn early in our lives that making other people happy is beneficial. Most children want the approval of their parents, teachers, and peers. That’s completely natural. But when we learn to dismiss or ignore our own needs to meet the needs of others, it becomes problematic. The “good girl” syndrome refers …

common myths about binge eating

8 Common Myths About Binge Eating

Many of us have strong beliefs about binge eating that are actually myths. These may be the very limiting beliefs holding you back.

what to do after a binge

What To Do After A Binge

If you’ve ever wondered what to do after a binge, you’re already taking a crucial step toward change. Let’s do a quick overview and I’ll go into each one.

binge eating disorder affects body

How Binge Eating Affects the Body

Binge eating can take a toll on your body both mentally & physically. There are obvious outcomes but there are others that aren’t so obvious.

how to break a sugar addiction banner

How to Break a Sugar Addiction

Sugar addiction is a hot topic these days. There are several books that make the case for sugar addiction, portraying sugar as more addictive than heroin. Sugar is EVIL, is the message (okay, slight exaggeration, but only slight). Then, how should we break a sugar addiction. First, here’s the thing: there’s no such thing as sugar addiction. We actually cannot …