URGENT: If you’re a woman struggling with binge eating, this is for you!

Now That You Have The Binge-Buster Roadmap,
Let’s Create Your 7-Step Plan To Live Your Life On Your Terms.

Schedule Your Food Freedom Planning Session And Let’s Make A Plan Together. A Plan For Living Your Ideal Life Without Any Food Obsession Or Guilt. It’s Time For You To Live!

The Food-Mood Formula will give you the instant boost in body confidence, diet-free weight loss, and healthy food habits can be your new life

When food consumes you, it consumes your whole life.  

It takes from your relationships (because you have a secret), from your social life (because you can’t be around food), and from your sense of purpose (because you can’t see yourself beyond FOOD).

You want to be free of it, I know you do.

I know because I’ve been exactly where you are, and that has given me more insight into your experience than any textbook or professional training ever could.  

I broke free from bingeing and then, I became a psychoanalyst specializing in the psychology of eating disorders because I want to help you break free, too. 

If you can just hear what the real issue is for you and take ONE step towards addressing it, you’ll feel an immediate lifting of the heaviness.

That’s all you need to keep going and finally get yourself free from bingeing.

Join me for a private, confidential call so that we can plan your next steps. With clarity, a vision for your ideal life, and a plan, nothing is stopping you.

Set a Time for Your Food Freedom Planning Session.