Are you a binge or emotional eater who is completely exhausted from dieting, obsessing over food, and feeling shame — it's time to enjoy life again, guilt and shame-free?

Imagine loving your body and your life - FREE from body shame, bingeing, and diets that don’t work!

The Food-Mood Formula will give you the instant boost in body confidence, diet-free weight loss, and healthy food habits can be your new life

Body confidence, diet-free weight loss, and healthy food habits can be your new life – let me show you how!

Here is what you will learn in the Food-Mood Formula Secrets:

  • Know the hidden reasons that cause you to emotionally eat (it’s never about food!)
  • The three main food types that reveal your triggers and how to instantly gain control back right

If you're the type of person who craves food freedom and wants to love your body again, click the button below to get your free guide!

Click here to get the secret formula

I’m Dr. Nina and I’m a psychoanalyst, author, and radio show host specializing in food, weight, and body image issues

In addition to helping women create healthier, happier relationships to food from within, I’m the author of the Amazon bestsellers “The Binge Cure” and “Food For Thought”, and co-edited a book on addictions titled “Beyond The Primal Addiction.”

I used to suffer from BED and constant dieting.

I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

But through therapy and working on what was eating at me, I was able to make peace with food. And I’m here to help you do the same.

What they say about Dr. Nina


I am so happy that I could cry!

Finally, FINALLY, I have been able to halt my emotional eating. I have spent thousands of dollars on coaches and courses and have still been stuck with grabbing food whenever I had an emotion I didn’t want to feel. Thank you, Dr. Nina from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how relieved I am to have found the answer to this problem that has been of such major concern in my life for so long.

- Tamara


She is the real deal who produces results!

Dr. Nina is a complete expert on Eating issues.

She will nurture your inner relationship with yourself and help you to overcome negative
thoughts and habits.

- Alisa S.


Dr. Nina is a master in the field of weight management, eating challenges, self-image, etc.

She inspired me to really get to the root of my issues, rather than just think that there
was something crazy and inexplicable going on with me.

- Anne K.


I’m a witness to how effective Dr. Nina’s process is.

I have been struggling with controlling my weight ever since I got married and started
working from home. I’ve gained more weight than I can remember in the shortest

I always thought that it was the food that I ate… So I went on different types of diets that
never really provided a lasting solution to my problem.

Now, I am losing weight again while enjoying the food that I eat. She’s just a blessing to
my life. Thank you again, Dr. Nina.

- Rodelio J.