Diet Wiz 3: How To Be Nicer To Yourself

Dr. NIna shows you how the key to making peace with food is making peace with yourself.  In this episode, she shares the importance of being kind to yourself

How To Be A Wizard of Weight Loss (video)

Do you show your true self to the world?  Dr. Nina shows you how projecting an idealized version of yourself leads to overeating or bingeing.  She tells you what to do to change the behavior and lose weight without dieting.

How To Lose Weight With Bubbles – Part 2

Dr. Nina helps you change your mindset.  Changing your thoughts leads to shifts in how you feel, which impacts whether or not you turn to food to cope.  When you feel good, you don’t need food for comfort or distraction – and that’s how you win the diet war! Subscribe in iTunes to receive this podcast

How To Be A Wizard of Weight Loss

Do you show your true self to the world?  Dr. Nina shows you how projecting an idealized version of yourself leads to overeating or bingeing.  She tells you what to do to change the behavior and lose weight without dieting.

3 Mental Blocks To Weight Loss

What are the biggest culprits when it comes to sabotaging your weight loss? The first is a fear: What if I change when I’m thin? You might be thinking, “Of course I want to change” But consider this:  Some years ago I treated a young girl who was over 100 pounds overweight. I’ll never forget the day she told me she …

How Happiness Can Sabotage Your Diet

Do you think you’ll be happier when you lose weight?  Today I’m going to tell you why happiness can sabotage your diet.  Yes, happiness. A few years ago, a Special K commercial asked viewers, “What will you gain when you lose?” Now, let me be clear:  I fundamentally oppose the idea that you can gain happiness by losing weight, because …

Get Off The Diet Rollercoaster

Are you stuck in a lose weight-gain weight cycle? If so, maybe you can relate to Jasmine – she’s lost the same thirty pounds over and over again. She starts a diet, shows impressive dedication and willpower, sticks to the meal plan, exercises like an Olympic athlete, and loses 30 pounds. The minute she hits her goal weight, she celebrates …

Think It’s Bad To Eat Pizza?

Do you think pizza is bad?  Do you feel guilty if you eat pizza or other forbidden foods?  If so, I’d like to to tell you about a friend of mine, Amy, who’s been on a lot of diets. I mean, a lot. Every diet from cabbage soup to South Beach to Cookie to Paleo.  She just told me she’d …